The Mi3 Podcast
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Market voice – are media 12 Nov 2020 – 29 min

Brands and media agencies, don’t miss this podcast if you plan on staying with global developments in the emerging attention economy and what impact it’s having on traditional audience and reach metrics

By Paul McIntyre – Executive Editor – Mi3
Apple Podcast

Marketers and agencies are missing huge opportunities by only superficially measuring attention. But that’s about to change. A new platform and metric, attentionTRACE, is about to go live. AttentionTRACE measures attention across channels, but Story54’s Jane Waterhouse argues even before the trial data is out, one medium in particular lands messages more deeply, at least in women’s minds, than any other. Amplified Intelligence CEO, Professor Karen Nelson-Field, and UK Neuro Science CEO, Shazia Ginai explain the science. Pay attention –  you’ll need to know this stuff.