In-depth, topical news and business data specific to Western Australia.
Our first rate editorial and research team provides analysis of the community’s ever changing economic scene and in-depth features covering some of WA’s most important
issues and industries.
With additional publications throughout the year, we pride ourselves on delivering not only general business news but specialist content driven by the needs of our readership.

Electronic Delivery
Digital delivery is the process of delivering ads electronically. By creating a press-ready PDF, you can deliver every element of your ad – pictures, text and fonts – in one file. Software such as QuarkXpress, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign provide the means to create postscript files used to generate PDF files.
High resolution (300dpi, CMYK) jpeg files created in Adobe Photoshop are also acceptable. Artwork supplied in other digital formats including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Powerpoint and any other format is not considered camera ready and production charges will be necessary.
PDF files are platform independent and once created can be sent using ad delivery portal such as Quickcut, Websend, YouSendIt, Hightail, Dropbox or via email.
General Recommendations
Artwork or photographs must be of quality and sufficiently contrasting in detail to guarantee a satisfactory result.
Colour Guidelines – Gloss
Four colour process (CMYK – cyan, magenta, yellow, black).
The printing process is Heat Set. Rural Press ICC Profiles and colour settings for covers and internal pages available on request.
Do not use custom spot colours i.e. Pantone without first converting to process.
Black Limit: 98%
Total Ink Limit: 300%
Image Guidelines
CMYK files to be saved at 300dpi in jpeg format.
Typeface Guidelines
- Postscript fonts only. Business News does not accept True type fonts.
- Fine type and serifs should be avoided.
- It is not recommend to use typefaces in four colours.
- No black type is to be printed in four colours.
- Minimum recommended size is 9pt.
- Ensure any important content is kept 10mm from the outside
- edge of any front, full or half page advertisements
PDF Generation
Distiller settings for postscript generation are available upon request. Allow 5mm bleed for front, full and half page advertisements.
Trapping Guidelines
The rips within Business News output sites are set to overprint any 100% black areas regardless of the trapping settings in the original document. To force knockout of a black item on a coloured background, set the black to a value other than 100% (i.e. 99%).
Production Rates
Design Rates
- Initial minimum charge – $500
- Hourly rate – $120
Photography Rates
- Hourly rate – $350
- Photo shoot POA
- Request the Photography Order Form for further information and pricing.
Advertorial Rates
- Journalist cost per half page – $450
Standard advertising rates apply for advertorial spaces but incur
journalist and design charges.
Onsert Cost
1x 2x 3x 4x
$4,242 $4,037 $3,832 $3,628
Maximum onsert size is 275mm x 190mm. Additional charges payable for onserts over 50gms in weight.
Deadlines (4pm on given day)
- Page specific bookings – 14 days prior
- Run of paper bookings – 11 days prior
- Gloss covers artwork deadline – 7 days prior
- Internal pages artwork deadline – 7 days prior
All artwork to be supplied print ready (PDF).
For bookings, rates or print settings please call 08 9288 2100.