We are Australia’s premier science publication, but more than just a magazine, Cosmos is a powerhouse of multi-media science content. A trusted and unbiased source for the important stories that define our time.
– Produced monthly
– Distributed to the key decision makers in Local Government – elected members and senior staff
– Every Council in Australia receives on average 18 copies of LG FOCUS free of charge
– Each edition is archived on our website at www.lgfocus.com.au
We cover
- local government news
- events
- intergovernmental relations
- best practice examples of councils large and small.

Material to be sent electronically in PDF press ready format.
Resolution 1200 for line art. Down sampling 250 ppi. Embed all fonts. Ensure all colours and images are set to CMYK and that black type is true black, not four colour.
Total ink limit 235%. Dot gain 20%. Black ink limit 90%. If JPEGs are used, these are required at 300dpi.
An electronic version of each edition of LG FOCUS is posted on our website. This not only assists councils across Australia to share ideas and best practice examples, but provides a link to the global audience on the web. All editions and articles remain permanently online. We also have a free RSS service, enabling councils to stream our updates directly to their intranets.
Include a photo to accompany your article & hotlink to your website for $385 (inc GST) or your article plus your hotlink for $275 (inc GST) or your article without a link for $110 (inc GST). Banner ads available on application.
LG FOCUS can distribute your brochure as an insert. National distribution is available or you can target a specific State or States. Discounts are available for bookings covering two or more States. Prices are based on a four page 100 gsm A4 insert..