The voice of Rugby in New Zealand
NZ Rugby World is the country’s dominant authority on all aspects of the game that really matter to New Zealanders. It is the magazine that influences and shapes opinions by focusing the editorial on long-form, investigative, colourful, insightful writing. We tell the stories no one else does from the angles no one else thinks of and all with a humorous, self-deprecating, irreverent tone that wins and engages the audience. As a result, the magazine has built a dedicated and growing following of affluent, educated readers who are influenced by and responsive to brand advertising.
- We have 182,000+ Facebook followers and that number is growing by more than 2000 each week.
- Typically we have 15 per cent engagement on Facebook and can reach more than one million people per week with our posts.
- Each week more than 5,500 subscribers receive our E-newsletter.
As an exclusive media partner with NZ Rugby magazine, your organisation can take advantage of a unique tailor made package with its own individual set of benefits that includes:
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- Company logo display on both print and digital publications at dedicated location with social updates on Facebook and Twitter; valued at $7,500
- 4x Single Full-page display ads; valued at $12,500
- 4x Half-page display ads; valued at $6,500
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