21 years on, what began purely as a print magazine now reaches readers on four fronts. Campaigns can be tailored across all.

1: PLB Magazine
Australia and the world’s longest-running and best-loved longboard publication. With growing news sales and subscriber base, PLB’s broad-demographic readership laps up four issues each year.

The largest on-line global community for longboarding. Surf and industry news, daily photos, vids, comp entry forms and newsletters.

3: PLB Weekly NewsWire
Emailed to our entire member database and throughout the industry – delivering current headlines along with a dose of eye-candy like clockwork every Thursday.

4: Social
Instagram: 62k
Facebook: 42k

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Advertising Rates

For maximum exposure, ads appear in only two positions, leaderboard and rectangle. All ads run across the entire site and are refreshed on every page view.
Available in monthly units starting @ $800 per month.
Campaigns start on the 15th of each month.


110k monthly visits, 85k unique views, 160k page views
LEADERBOARD – please supply in three sizes
1. Phone: 320 pixels wide x 50 pixels deep
2. Tablet: 728 pixels wide x 90 pixels deep
3. Desktop: 920 pixels wide x 90 pixels deep
LARGE REC – 300 pixels wide x 600 pixels deep
Formats accepted: Animated GIF, JPEG.

BONUS PLB Weekly NewsWire

Your online campaign is also featured in the weekly PLB NewsWire at least once per month, further enhancing your advertising spend and PLB campaign.


Material Specs & Delivery
  • High-res PDF – include trim marks and bleed where required, CMYK and embed all fonts
  • JPEG – max quality, CMYK, resolution 300dpi @100% size.
  • Files can be sent FREE via the internet using or similar. Recipient email
Advertising Spaces

Double Page Spread Trim Size Width x 420mm / Height x 297mm
Full Page Trim Size Width x 210mm / Height x 297mm
1/2 Page Horizontal Trim Size Width x 210mm / Height x 146mm
1/2 Page Vertical Trim Size Width x 102mm / Height x 297mm
1/3 Page Vertical Width x 60mm / Height x 277mm
1/4 Page Width x 92mm / Height x 136mm
1/8 Page Width x 92mm / Height x 65mm


Let's get started on your project

For further help or information call Tony Clemenger on 1800 995 007 or email your requirement on
Contact Now