Clemenger, Clemenger Media Sales, Clemenger Advertising Sales:-
We bring you the following media buying agency, content marketing news to help you understand Australian media partnerships, niche media, b2b and b2c publications.
Media planning, media schedules, magazine sponsorship, tv media sales, radio advertising sales, newspaper advertising sales: Clemenger want to help you maximise your marketing roi, your advertising roi.
Clemenger hopes you enjoy the following (and note we have given you the whole article and the link at the bottom; regards Tony Clemenger.
Ad Sales Reporting: Why Automation Matters
In the magazine publishing business, data-driven decisions are the best decisions. But data points by themselves don’t tell a story. For that, you need powerful, automated ad sales reporting.
Ad Sales Reporting and Opportunity Cost
First, let’s talk about opportunity cost. To illustrate, let’s use an example of an employee who spends an average of two days per month to create and distribute one or more reports. Maybe the reports are related to commissions, or products sold, or forecasts—for this first point, the content of the reports doesn’t necessarily matter.
In contrast, here’s what does matter: time. Your employee is spending a collective 24 days per year creating reports—nearly five work weeks in total. This is time that they could be doing market research, making advertiser calls, or pushing new products.
Likewise, this example also affects decision-making stakeholders. If your business data is spread across docs, spreadsheets, and other sources, it means that your ability to make fast data-driven decisions is limited.
In conclusion, automation means fast access to powerful reporting (and in turn, faster decision making). Additionally, it means your employees are freed up to pursue the types of tasks that can grow your business.
What Does Automated Ad Sales Reporting Look Like?
In essence, automated ad sales reporting translates to easily customizable reports based on nearly any of your sales or accounting data points. You should be able to:
- Choose the data points you want to compare.
- Display data how you want (bar graph, line chart, pie chart, etc.)
- Save and replicate the report.
- Set the report to run at the interval of your choose.
- Determine who has access to the report.
- Distribute the report automatically via email or within your CRM.
- Compare your business with industry trends and averages.
In summary, automating your ad sales reporting allows your employees to focus on growth-generating tasks. Furthermore, decision makers get instant access to data that’s ready to be interpreted.
The Most Powerful Magazine Publishing CRM Software
At Ad Sales Genius, we’re laser focused on building automation-focused CRM software that helps magazine publishers grow. Schedule a personalized demo now to learn how we can maximize your efficiency across sales, production, and invoicing.
CMS, Clemenger Media Sales – we are content marketing, a media buying agency, an advertising sales / media partnership = marketing experts.
CMS hopes you are keen to learn about advertising, marketing; we are Australia’s largest niche media sales agency; we are Australia’s biggest niche media content marketing sales agency: Australia’s biggest / best SME advertising sales, media sales, niche media advertising and marketing sales company. Clemenger sales hopes you find these articles of some worth:-
Clemenger Advertising Sales, Clemenger Media Sales – we give you these articles, in full, because we want to help you learn about advertising sales, media sales, media schedules, advertising ROI, IMC, digital advertising, outdoor advertising sales, radio advertising: why do you want to invest in content marketing why do you want to invest in publications, why do you want to invest in magazine advertising: advertising, marketing, PR, DM, IMC – it is as complex as your mind and this is why we have to KISS.
Advertising is marketing, until the university profession enable 4P’s, we do benefit from research, consumer psychology: why do people buy what the buy, why do people consume what they consume…; but again KISS.
Clemenger Media Sales, CMS, we are advertising sales, but that is really media sponsorship. Media sponsorship is all about an advertiser managing their ongoing customer relationship: communication management. Not always do we build brand, not always do we sell, not always do we inform nor communicate but if we advertise we should do all of these things together.
Advertising sales, content marketing, media sponsorship is there if you seek. Clemenger wants to help you achieve this.