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BSB40107 – Certificate IV in Advertising


Usage recommendation:
Mapping Notes Date
Is superseded by and equivalent to BSB40115 – Certificate IV in Advertising Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages. 24/Mar/2015
Release Status:
Release Release date
3(this release) 18/Dec/2012
(View detailsfor release 2) 28/Nov/2011
(View detailsfor release 1) 10/Mar/2009

Units of competency

CodeSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Code column TitleSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Title column EssentialSort Table listing Units of Competency by the Essential column

BSBADV404B– Schedule advertisements Schedule advertisements Core
BSBREL401A– Establish networks Establish networks Elective
BSBITS401B– Maintain business technology Maintain business technology Elective
BSBCUS401B– Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies Elective
BSBMKG412A– Conduct e-marketing communications Conduct e-marketing communications Elective
BSBADV407A– Apply media analysis and processing tools Apply media analysis and processing tools Elective
BSBMKG414B– Undertake marketing activities Undertake marketing activities Elective
BSBMKG413A– Promote products and services Promote products and services Elective
BSBPUB403A– Develop public relations documents Develop public relations documents Elective
BSBCUS402B– Address customer needs Address customer needs Elective
Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100
Displaying items 1 – 10 of 40


Scheme Code Classification value
ANZSCO Identifier 225111 Advertising Specialist
ASCO (occupation type) Identifier 2221-17 Advertising Specialist
ASCED Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier 0805 Sales And Marketing
Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier 511 Certificate IV
Taxonomy – Industry Sector N/A Advertising and Marketing
Taxonomy – Occupation N/A Advertising Account Coordinator,Media Assistant,Media Planner,Copywriter,Assistant Account Manager (Advertising),Assistant Advertising Account Planner
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Modification History



Release 3

New release of this Qualification with BSB07 Business Services Training Package version 7.0.

BSBOHS elective unit updated with the BSBWHS unit and imported elective units updated with the most current equivalent.

Release 2

New release of this Qualification released with BSB07 Business Services Training Package version 6.0.

Unit codes updated:

  • BSBCUS401A now BSBCUS401B
  • BSBCUS402A now BSBCUS402B
  • BSBITS401A now BSBITS401B

Release 1

Initial release of this Qualification.


This qualification reflects the role of individuals who use well-developed advertising skills and a broad knowledge base in a wide variety of advertising contexts. They apply solutions to a defined range of unpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources. They may provide leadership and guidance to others with some limited responsibility for the output of others, however they typically report to a more senior advertising practitioner.

Job roles

Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:

  • account coordinator
  • assistant art director
  • assistant account planner
  • copywriter
  • media assistant
  • media buyer
  • media planner.

Pathways Information

Pathways into the qualification

Preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include:

  • BSB30112 Certificate III in Business or other relevant qualification


  • with vocational experience in assisting advertising team leaders, supervisors or managers to conduct advertising activities but without formal advertising qualifications.

Pathways from the qualification

  • BSB50107 Diploma of Advertising or a range of other Diploma qualifications

Licensing/Regulatory Information

There is no direct link between this qualification and licensing, legislative or regulatory requirements. However, where required, a unit of competency will specify relevant licensing, legislative or regulatory requirements that impact on the unit.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

Employability Skills Summary

The following table contains a summary of the employability skills required by industry for this qualification. The employability skills facets described here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on qualification packaging options.

Employability skill

Industry or enterprise requirements for this qualification include:


  • interpreting the needs of internal and external customers
  • listening to and understanding workplace information


  • applying teamwork skills to a range of workplace situations
  • seeking feedback from colleagues about work performance


  • determining the effect of a delay in an aspect of production of an advertising campaign
  • determining the target market for a product or service
  • making changes to draft advertisements in response to pre-test information

Initiative and enterprise

  • adapting to new and emerging situations
  • being creative in response to workplace problems, changes and challenges arising from advertising campaign testing

Planning and organising

  • collecting, analysing and organising workplace data
  • scheduling production activities for advertising campaigns


  • following workplace documentation, such as codes of practice and operating procedures
  • monitoring and obtaining feedback on work performance and development


  • identifying new skills and professional development activities
  • researching and acting on opportunities for improvement and sources of learning


  • monitoring technological developments and responding accordingly
  • using business technology to record and analyse data

Packaging Rules

Total number of units = 10

5 core units plus

5 elective units

3 of the elective units  must be selected from the elective units listed below.

2 elective units  may be selected from elective units listed below, from this Training Package or from any current accredited course or endorsed Training Package. If not listed below, one unit may be selected from either a Certificate III or Diploma level.

Elective units must be relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and the qualification level.

Core units

BSBADV402B Conduct pre-campaign testing

BSBADV403B Monitor advertising production

BSBADV404B Schedule advertisements

BSBMKG401B Profile the market

BSBMKG402B Analyse consumer behaviour for specific markets

Elective units


BSBADV405A Perform media calculations

BSBADV406A Buy and monitor media

BSBADV407A Apply media analysis and processing tools

BSBADV408A Review advertising media options

BSBADV503B Coordinate advertising research

BSBADV507B Develop a media plan

BSBADV509A Create mass print media advertisements

BSBADV510A Create mass electronic media advertisements

BSBMKG523A Design and develop an integrated marketing communication plan

Creative thinking

BSBCRT501A Originate and develop concepts

Customer service

BSBCUS401B Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies

BSBCUS402B Address customer needs

Financial administration

BSBFIA402A Report on financial activity

General administration

BSBADM409A Coordinate business resources

Interpersonal communication

BSBCMM401A Make a presentation

IT support

BSBITS401B Maintain business technology


BSBMKG408B Conduct market research

BSBMKG409A Design direct response offers

BSBMKG412A Conduct e-marketing communications

BSBMKG413A Promote products and services

BSBMKG414B Undertake marketing activities

Work health and safety

BSBWHS401A Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements

Public relations

BSBPUB401A Develop and apply knowledge of public relations industry

BSBPUB402A Develop public relations campaigns

BSBPUB403A Develop public relations documents

Product skills and advice

BSBPRO401A Develop product knowledge

Relationship management

BSBREL401A Establish networks

BSBREL402A Build client relationships and business networks


BSBRES401A Analyse and present research information

Risk management

BSBRSK401A Identify risk and apply risk management processes


BSBSUS301A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices


BSBWRT401A Write complex documents

BSBWRT501A Write persuasive copy

Imported units

CUFWRT401A Edit text

CUFWRT402A Write extended stories