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Choosing the Best Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing: A Full Guide

The dream of many is to wake up one morning, open a laptop and find a large amount of money in their account. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Affiliate marketing can help to make such a dream closer. In this article, we’ll focus on this topic and will find out the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing.

For bloggers and everyone else who is fully committed to finding opportunities to turn their passive income dreams into reality, affiliate marketing is a magical tool. It is one of the most popular ways to achieve this goal.

Today, there are many tried and tested methods of how to get the maximum benefit from such a partnership. One of them is to choose suitable organic traffic sources. If you are just starting to get acquainted with affiliate marketing and there are many things that seem confusing to you, don’t worry. In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know about affiliate marketing and the best paid traffic sources for affiliate marketing to get started today. Ready?

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is when you promote products or services owned by another person or company in exchange for a fee.

In other words, you find a product or service, advertise it to other people, and get a share of the profit when you sell it. The cost of buying a service or product through a partner is similar to the cost of buying directly from the owner of the product.

Affiliate marketing accounts for 15% of all digital media revenue. That’s why it is so important to find best paid traffic sources for affiliate marketing.


Who is involved in affiliate marketing

There are 3 parties involved in a typical affiliate campaign – a publisher, advertiser, and the affiliate network. Let’s talk about each in more detail.


A publisher drives organic traffic to products/services by linking them to the consumer. The publisher’s main goal is to get people to act here and now: place an order, register on the site, fill out an application, that is, perform the necessary target action (Conversion Flow).

  • The tasks of the publisher are the following:
  • find goods or services (offers) for promotion;
  • define the audience, identify its pains, problems;
  • study the product, formulate its benefits, advantages;
  • conduct a marketing analysis of competitors, their strengths and weaknesses;
  • create marketing materials (ads, landing pages);
  • attract potential buyers (organic traffic sources);
  • optimize the campaign (test the components of the campaign, make it profitable);
  • or scale up an already profitable campaign.

As you can see, such a person can be called a master of online ad trafficking.

Affiliate network

Affiliate networks are platforms for offers, goods/services that companies promote. Networks are intermediaries between partners and offer owners, i.e. advertisers. A publisher can work both with an affiliate program and directly with an advertiser. But working with an affiliate network has a number of advantages worth paying attention to:

  • Affiliate marketing gives access to hundreds and thousands of offers in various directions and up-to-date information on what needs to be promoted.
  • In affiliate marketing, a manager is appointed who can help with diverse technical questions, suggest what’s hot right now, activate private offers, increase payouts, and much more.
  • Affiliate marketing provides a fast turnover of funds. Payments are made once a week, and there is a large number of sales every day. Advertisers usually only pay once a month.
  • Affiliate networks take on the risk of non-payment from the advertiser. If the advertiser decides to end cooperation without paying the due amount to the affiliate network, it will still pay the earned amount to the publisher.
  • Most of the networks have proposals in many existing directions. Some specialize in a particular thing: goods, games, financial services.

Offers and verticals of affiliate networks

In affiliate marketing, there are concepts like offers and verticals. Offers are specific goods and services offered for promotion for a fee. Offers of the same type are grouped into verticals. For example, the “Neo Slim” fat-burning complex is an offer, it belongs to the “Health/Beauty” vertical. Each vertical has its own promotion methods, organic traffic sources, and promotional materials. Below are the most popular verticals.

  • Installs (games, antiviruses, utilities – offers that involve downloading the application by the user).
  • Sweepstakes (iPhone giveaways (or other equipment), gift cards for shopping, travel promotions).
  • Pin Submits (mobile subscriptions to various content).
  • Health/Beauty (means for weight loss, joint treatment, potency enhancement, muscle building, skincare, haircare).
  • Gambling (online casinos, sports betting and other events, poker rooms).
  • Dating (Dating Mainstream, Casual Dating). The vertical is divided into two groups: mainstream (serious acquaintances) and adult (casual acquaintances).
  • Adult video (Adult Content) (photo/video for adults).
  • Finance (insurance, lending, binary options).
  • Products (eCommerce) (products, clothing, appliances, and more).

popular affiliate networks

What affiliate networks pay for and how

Affiliate networks pay only for the completed target action. Conversion flow is a series of sequential actions that a user must perform in order to accomplish this expected action. When it is completed, the conversion is counted. The advertiser pays the affiliate network, and the affiliate pays the partner.

Conversion rate (CR) is the percentage of visitors who made a targeted action on the site in relation to all people who just were curious. For example, 500 people came to the site, and 30 of them bought something. CR = 30/500 * 100%, that is, 6%. For every 100 people there are 6 purchases, that is, 100 clicked, and 6 bought. In the narrow sense, a conversion is a specific user who came to the site, successfully completed all the necessary actions, and who will certainly turn from a visitor into a buyer. The completed target action is also called a lead.

There are several types of conversions:

SOI (Single Opt-In) – one action. A conversion is counted when a user has sent an email address, filled out a credit card questionnaire, registered a profile on a dating site, or submitted a request for a free sample. For such actions, the advertiser is ready to pay from $0.50 to$ 2. The payoff is small, but the conversion is high and there are a lot of split tests that can be done. For example, imagine we have a budget of $100. If you launch an offer with a payment of $100, you can get 1 conversion. And if you pay $1 for an offer, you can expect 100 conversions.

DOI (Double-Opt-In) – two actions. The user must not only send the application but also confirm it by clicking on the link in the email. Complex conversions require even more actions. For example, you need to not only register in the game but also reach level 5.

There are different ways to pay for the completed target action:

  • CPS (Cost-per-Sale) – payment is made upon sale. It can be fixed or as a percentage of the cost.
  • CPA (Cost per Action or Pay per action) – payment for the desired action. For example: sending an email, applying for a credit card, registering a profile on a dating site, and applying for a free sample.
  • CPI (Cost per Install) – the installation of a mobile application is paid for.
  • CPL (Cost per lead) – payment for a lead.
  • Pay per action (CPA) offers are the easiest to convert. It is much easier to convince a person to leave some personal details than to force them to pull out the wallet.


This is the company that has the offer. The advertiser creates an offer on the market, forms a budget for its promotion, and bears the risks associated with the activities of partners. So, the advertiser pays only for the completed target action: sale, registration, completed application.

Traffic source

Quality traffic refers to visitors who come to a web page. Organic traffic may be free and paid. Indeed, choosing the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing may not be an easy task.

Free traffic

There are many ways to increase website traffic. So, how to drive traffic to your website? Let’s find out.

The main ways are content marketing and search engine optimization. These methods can be called “shareware” because they are time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Content marketing is the creation and distribution of useful, interesting content for a specific target audience. These can be blog articles, YouTube videos, pages, and posts on social media. For example, there is a video blog about fishing (or a page on social media). The author attracts an interested audience with amazing content, gains lots of followers, and at the same time earns money by recommending various products for fishing.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a series of actions aimed at increasing the ranking of a website in search results. Search engines have a complex search algorithm that takes into account hundreds of variables. Trying to optimize it takes a lot of time and labor. In addition, this algorithm is constantly being updated, and each new update can destroy the results for many months. However, if you can figure out the SEO puzzle and get to the top, you can get tons of free targeted traffic.

seo optimization

Best paid traffic sources for affiliate marketing

It may not be an easy task to choose the best paid traffic sources for affiliate marketing. Nevertheless, it is possible.

So, there are advertisements on the Internet. To promote the offer, the partner creates landing pages, ads. When a web page or ad is shown to a visitor or a person clicks on a banner, the partner pays money. This is what paid traffic is all about.

There are 3 main payment methods when it comes to paid traffic:

  • Pay per click (it is called Pay per click or Cost per click). In case of pay per click, payment is made only when a visitor clicks on your ad. For example, the pay per click is set to $0.1. The maximum pay per click amount will be $0.1. Pay per click (cost per click) is considered one of the leading payment methods.
  • Pay per thousand impressions – payment is made for every 1000 views an ad receives. For example, 1000 impressions cost $2. If your ad is shown 10,000 times, then it will cost $20. Read more about the best CPM ad network for publishers.
  • Fixed-rate. The fee is set regardless of clicks/views. For example, ad unit “B” was purchased on the site for one week for $500.

The benefits of paid traffic are the following:

  • Campaigns are completely under control: you can set the required daily budget, set prices per click or per 1000 impressions, and you can also start/stop a campaign at any time.
  • Fast results. How successful the campaign is can be judged a few hours after launch.
  • No dependency on one paid traffic campaign. If the campaign is unsuccessful, you can stop it and start another one.
  • You can earn more and faster.

As you can see, this type of traffic is highly beneficial.

Ways to buy traffic

You can buy paid types of traffic directly, working with a specific site, for example,, google search, or using the services of advertising networks (Ad Network). Ad networks are the “marketplace” for the various sites that advertisements will be displayed on. Organic traffic sources differ by the following:

Audience coverage and, accordingly, the amount of available organic traffic. The audience can be the whole world, or maybe a dozen countries; a female audience may predominate, for example.

Targeting options. For example age, gender, country, time, device type, sites visited. The more targeting options, the more accurately you can reach the right audience and the more sales will be. Why is contextual advertising or advertising on social networks so effective? Because these sources allow you to target narrowly enough, segment your audience, and hit the target.

Organic traffic quality. Some non-quality traffic sources have a large number of bots.

When registering, you must familiarize yourself with the rules of work, payment methods, and rate models.

Let’s have a look at types of paid traffic sources.

  • Social traffic sources. Sources: Facebook, Instagram, etc. Targeting is possible by age, interests, geography, etc. If the user matches the selected targeting options, then the advertisement will be shown to him. Social media offers a wide variety of targeting options and a lot of traffic.
  • Search traffic sources. It comes from search engines. Paid search sources are Google Adwords, Yandex Direct, Bing (Microsoft), and others. These are powerful sources, as they allow you to target by keywords. For example, one can do it by Google search queries of users to get to the top of search results. Advertisers pay to get to the top for keywords. CPC depends on the keyword you are bidding on and the ad and site match for that keyword. Google and Yandex advertising platforms are user-friendly and have many tools to help you create an effective campaign. High search results positions – that’s what one can get as a result of such cooperation. Search results are an important factor, so this method is worth paying attention to.
  • Mobile traffic sources. In this case, we are talking about advertising on mobile phones: PopAds, PopCash, etc. There are a lot of mobile sources. There are also mobile sources that specialize in specific formats: Display, Pop, Push. Targeting is possible by operators, by operating systems, by site identifiers, by phone brands. Targeting by operating systems is especially convenient. The growing popularity, low barriers to entry, and the sheer number of countries available for targeting make mobile devices an extremely attractive source. The most popular mobile ad formats are Display/Banner, Pop-unders, Push-notifications.
  • Native ad traffic sources. Native advertising involves blending naturally with the site’s content. In conditions of “banner blindness,” this is an effective way to reach out to the audience. We’ll discuss it as one of the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing a little bit later.
  • Adult quality traffic sources. The main sources are advertising networks. There is a lot of freedom in the way these offers are promoted. But this niche is very competitive due to the presence of large players on the market, which makes it difficult for newcomers to enter this market.


This is the person who buys a product or service. A good partner creates a win-win situation for all parties involved. An advertiser, affiliate network, one traffic source – all of them make money. And the client receives a product that makes his life better, happier, and more fulfilling.

How it works

The advertiser enters into an agreement with an affiliate network, offering a product. A marketing partner receives a personal tracking link for each offer, attracts traffic, and, if someone uses this link to perform a targeted action (purchase, registration, etc.), receives a commission. The difference between commission and organic traffic costs is income.

Essential affiliate marketing tools

To carry out any kind of activity, special tools are needed. Affiliate marketing is no exception. The marketing partner needs domains for the title of the landing pages. The landing page is the page that the user comes to. Selling quality content is posted on it. Web pages play a key role in sales – after all, these are sellers, and therefore the requirements for them are serious. This includes a selling headline, a profitable offer, a call to action, and pictures. This is a topic for a separate article.

Then you need a hosting that will host the web pages. Shared hosting won’t work because pages need to load quickly. 40% of users will leave if the site doesn’t open after 3 seconds. In the beginning, VDS is suitable, but then it is better to replace it with a dedicated server.

The main partner’s tool is the tracker. This is software that makes it possible to monitor and analyze traffic. Each user who comes to the page has his own unique identification number in the tracker. Thanks to the tracker, you can find out where the potential buyer came from, from which country, city, at what time, from which device (including you can find out the device brand and operating system), what keyword he used, on which banner he clicked and much more.

The tracker allows you to understand how much money has already been spent on the campaign, how much is earned, which users are unprofitable, and which are generating income. For example, the tracker reports that $100 was brought by iPhone owners, and $50 was brought by Samsung users by clicking, but they did not buy anything. So we need to stop attracting Samsung owners and focus on people with iPhones.

Affiliate marketing benefits

Affiliate marketing has long been established as a profitable type of business and among other benefits, we can highlight the following things: you are the chief, this means that no one tells you what to do, funds can come to your account every hour, and all day, without stopping (if there is a configured plan and work in this system) and it does not depend on what you are currently doing and where you are. And the most important plus in favor of entering this business is that you are allowed to do it even with a minimal budget. Moreover, you can work from home, and you are the person who decides how much time to spend on working. As you already understood, there are a huge number of benefits. We will not list everything, so let’s talk more about the most significant pros.

benefits of affiliate marketing

Let’s consider the pros for an advertiser. First of all, affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to sell your own product. Here, it depends on the number of sites that you own. And here is an important point – the sites should be thematic, so the advertiser looking for such resources gets a high quality audience. The next plus that should be noted is that the advertiser gets customers without wasting time on their engagement.

What about benefits for a partner? Here, perhaps, it is worth highlighting that it is a great additional way of earning with the help of your resource (site).

Everyone remembers about banners that are capable of generating sales and helping to bring customers, which means making real money.

Also, partners can have additional sources of income without initial investment, without the need to invest in the development of their own products. Besides, there is no need to worry about customer support and the organization of e-commerce in general. The advertiser deals with everything. A partner only needs to sell and promote a product. Without the help of partners, he would have searched much longer. But it’s highly important for the product to be of high quality.

Before choosing the best traffic sources: where affiliate marketing should be applied?

The simplest example of using affiliate marketing is mentioning a brand in publications of a social media personality on a page on a social network. Celebrities go to restaurants, buy clothes, groceries, and use cosmetics. This is a great chance to promote goods and services. This is called media advertising.

If we talk about specific areas where affiliate marketing will be successful, then this is online commerce, info-business, B2B segment. Affiliate marketing is good because there are almost no boundaries for it. The right strategy, the correct choice of sites, and the performer will bring benefits to every advertiser. Another question is how to make money with affiliate marketing? Who benefits from this?

Participation in affiliate programs is beneficial to literally everyone – the client, the network itself, the seller (advertiser), partner. Everyone gets some benefit. Let’s have a look at how the parties involved benefit from using affiliate marketing.

How a marketing partner earns

This member of the scheme makes a profit by acting as a seller. Commissions or referral income goes into his pocket for every purchase made through an ad campaign. Typically, partners receive a link or banner from the seller and publish it on their website. If the user does the target action, the partner earns.

How an advertiser earns

The advertiser must first invest money to pay for the services of the members of an affiliate program. He calculates the commission that he is going to spend on attracting people. A competent approach to affiliate marketing always pays off. The seller saves the budget for promotion, generates interest in the product, attracts new customers, and increases sales.

how affiliate marketing works

Key working strategies for affiliate marketing

Let’s imagine that there is a blogger, and he needs to acquire strong partnerships with brands for SEO promotion of their products through the site. What needs to be done for this? There are some tips on this.

  • High quality content creation. This is the key to a successful partnership. Content of high quality allows you to build audience loyalty, drive more organic traffic to your site, and therefore increase your income. It is important to make posts interesting, motivating and persuasive.
  • Proper SEO. It’s next to impossible to become successful without an optimized website. This part of the work is difficult, but it is worth it. With SEO optimization of a high quality, your site will rank better in search results. Consequently, more people will see it and follow the affiliate link.
  • Social networks. SMM promotion is now one of the best ways to increase brand awareness and attract buyers’ attention to it. You’ll need to share materials from the blog on social networks, publish useful posts. The more interested users they reach, the faster the reach will grow. It’s certainly a great way of promotion.
  • Upselling. The term means the sale of more expensive products, from which the total profit increases. But do not consider cheap goods a meaningless object of promotion. You’ll need a competent message to potential customers why a premium product will help them achieve success. The higher the price of the ordered product, the more profit.

How to start affiliate marketing in 5 steps

The first thing you need to do as a partner is to develop your strategy. It sounds complicated, but it’s easier than it sounds. Here’s how to get started with a few steps:

  • Choose a niche. Once you identify a potential niche, make sure to narrow it down. Micro-niche identification is an effective way to gain niche authority and quality leads.
  • Select a platform. You probably already know which direction you want to choose. Are you more comfortable making product tutorials on YouTube or creating articles? Are you a pro on Instagram or TikTok? Each platform has different requirements and algorithms, so it is important to determine what you want to spend your energy on. And don’t be afraid to choose more than one platform. For example, creating a YouTube channel along with a blog on Hashtag is a great strategy to reach a wider audience.
  • Study the market. Understanding the market is key to successfully selling a product. This will help you narrow down your strategy and advertising platform. Knowing the market will help you understand how to create quality content to reach your target audience.
  • Select the type of content. Now that you know your target audience, decide what kind of quality content you want to create. Product or service reviews, tutorials, and how-tos? The choice is yours. Think about what type of content will most impact your target audience.
  • Promote your affiliate links. Finally, you need to promote affiliate links. Focus on content that works to promote affiliate products. Obviously, product reviews are a great type of content. You can also create comparisons and guides to make your affiliate product stand out from other products.

how to start with affiliate marketing

Types of affiliate marketing

So now that you know some of the basics, let’s talk about the types of affiliate marketing you can choose from. Each of these options has its own unique benefits, so we’d suggest picking the ones that interest you the most. It’s also a good idea to combine several of these platforms to reach a wider audience. Make sure you understand the essence of each: this will help to create high quality content.

Create a blog

The most experienced in affiliate marketing people use blogs to promote their products. Blogging has become one of the most powerful ways to reach target audiences with organic traffic. About 81% of Internet consumers trust information found on blogs.

The reason blogging is a great tool is because it allows you to use SEO (we have already discussed its importance). There are many factors that influence search rankings, some of them are keywords, actual blog authority, number of backlinks, and more. The good news is that there are many simple and free blogging sites where you can publish articles that will be indexed by search engines, for example.

Create a YouTube channel

YouTube is another great platform that can help with affiliate marketing.

Video content really gives you the opportunity to showcase a product. In many cases, it is easier to make affiliate link sales using video content because users can see first-hand the benefits of certain products or services.

Use social media

If you use Instagram, TikTok, or other social media, you’ve probably come across affiliate posts already. These are messages marked with the hashtag #advertisement or something similar.

Social media users are promoting affiliate products through posts if they honestly tell the audience that it is an affiliate link. The only catch is that you can only place your affiliate link in the bio field, which limits the interaction with the link a little. All in all, social media advertising is a nice choice.

Use email marketing

Email is the most underrated channel for affiliate marketing. You need to integrate it with another platform, ideally, a blog, to achieve better results.

Launch a podcast

If you listen to podcasts, you already know what this is all about. A small ad break that is used in a podcast to tell the user about a product or service is often an affiliate product too!

Selecting the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing

The best traffic sources for affiliate marketing are effective in ensuring business success, so it’s worth investing both time and money in them. The list of solutions includes many different marketing traffic sources, and here are the best of them.

Search engines

Search engines are great traffic sources for increasing traffic, especially commercial search engines such as Goggle, Yahoo, and Bing. Affiliate marketing traffic sources of this type allow your visitors to not only find your site but also find the content they are looking for as they navigate your site. For effective internet marketing, you should focus on inbound visitors by selling your products and services with the help of long keywords, since those visitors are sure they are looking for products and services in your area of business. Short keywords are highly ambiguous and may not lead to targeted traffic. Google adwords and other tools can help with it.

Recently, Google has announced that it’s unacceptable to use cookies. Not to use cookies means to change marketing strategies, but it is not too difficult to adapt to it. Having such a background, it becomes even more important to choose the right traffic source. One traffic source or another – you will definitely find the one to suit your needs with our help.

Mobile traffic sources

Mobile devices are rapidly evolving and expanding. Most ads are hosted on mobile devices through apps that allow people to buy ads on their mobile devices such as tablets and phones. Mobile traffic allows the marketer to keep building huge campaigns like those built on the computer, but with a better ROI. This is possible because of focusing on source diversification. So, mobile traffic sources are good.

Social media

Social media advertising is a very vague, ever-changing, and volatile traffic source for affiliate marketing. Social media traffic sources have a very wide geographic reach, as their international scope is undeniable. The best part is that social media traffic sources can build a loyal customer base and you can use these people to generate traffic. By nurturing customers who are already your social media followers, you can share your links and photos of the products and services you sell.

Social media traffic sources also allow your customers to leave comments and impressions about your products or services. This will help you build trust and a good reputation, which will attract new customers who will visit your site and find the products and services you offer. Thus, social media traffic sources are an effective source of traffic, but they should be used correctly in order to earn people’s trust. If done properly, media advertising can do miracles.


Websites are another high quality traffic source; they can be compared to social media advertising in terms of effectiveness. High-traffic traffic sources can be used as hosts to host a banner or link text to your site. To increase traffic, select a few websites as quality traffic sources and post a lot of links. Loaded websites often seem to have very useful content in their database and therefore the click-through rate on your link is expected to be very high. It is also very efficient in regular browsers. Banners are made in a very original and creative way to attract the attention of Internet users.

While this quality traffic source is very effective in generating organic traffic for successful affiliate marketing, it (as well as other best paid traffic sources for affiliate marketing and free ones) should be used correctly and diligently as most people avoid click-throughs and ads. Creativity is the key to marketing as it awakens curiosity and increases traffic.

Native ads: one of the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing

What is native advertising? Native advertising is an updated ad format that replaced classic teasers. It represents ad units/widgets on the site, consisting of a graphic part (the teaser itself) and a text – a title. Also, some sites provide the possibility to add descriptions under the ad unit.

Why is native quality traffic better than classic teasers and banners?

Native advertising blocks are what users like. Native advertising is unobtrusive and perfectly “breaks through” banner blindness, the blocks are conveniently located on the site, they do not interfere with the main content, and do not cause irritation. Moreover, on some sites, native traffic sources are displayed as sponsored content by default, which significantly reduces user misclick. This is also shown by the numbers – the engagement of users when working with a native is 40% higher than with conventional banners.

The format is young and actively developing. At the moment, native ad traffic sources are not blocked by services like “AdBlock” (sometimes there are exceptions), the format is not the one people got used to – there are not too many cases, and there is no such excitement as in push notifications. In addition, ad networks are actively working to improve the native. For example, PropellerAds introduced the “Misclick Detection” technology, which allows you to pay only for a targeted impression: if a user sees only half of the banner, scrolls it, or quickly closes the web page, money will not be charged for the impression.

The format adapts to any device. You no longer need to make banners of different sizes depending on the type of devices and worry about how correctly they will be displayed. The platform will adapt everything for you. The results of the focus group survey also showed that 52% of users prefer native ads over classic banners, and this is also supported by statistics according to which native teasers increase the desire to make a purchase by 53%. The cherry on the cake is that in mobile native ads, the conversion rate from native ad format is 6 times higher than in classic banners.

mobile native ads stats

Another thing worth mentioning is that there are plenty of native ad formats, which is also great. Another question that arises is how to make the process of work with ads easier. Here, DSP platforms come to the rescue.

Demand-side platform (DSP) is software that makes it easy to buy and sell online advertisements. It is a digital tool used by advertisers (and other parties involved) to efficiently search for the best sites to place their advertisements, in accordance with the parameters they need.

The advertiser himself (or the agency representing him) chooses these parameters from the possible ones. The advertiser can sort the publisher’s inventory by segmenting the audience (by demographic parameters, interests, location, etc.) or by the type of inventory (examples: video, mobile, desktop, etc.).

The point is that with DSP, this whole process of searching and sorting, which previously used to be done manually and was very long and ineffective, is now done automatically by a computer. It’s faster. It is much more efficient. And also cheaper. In all respects, it’s a great solution worth your attention. On SmartyAds DSP, one can find the best native traffic and top native advertising trends.

Teaser networks

While some people think that teaser network organic traffic sources are something from the past, others continue to use them successfully. Improving the technical side of teaser networks leads to the fact that they are rapidly transforming – they become more user-friendly and offer modern analytics.

By tightening the requirements for moderation, becoming more demanding in terms of relevance and targeting, they again pose serious competition to other organic traffic sources. There is strong competition from push notifications that offer cheaper CTR (average 2.09%). Therefore, it is important for a publisher to keep track of the most advanced teaser sites in order to be able to collect leads from the cheapest sources.

push ads stats

Push notifications

The increase in the mobile application market has led to a surge in the popularity of Push traffic sources. This is one of the affiliate marketing trends that took over all the web advertising trends some time ago. Push traffic sources are small interactive ads that are delivered to mobile and desktop. In order to receive them, the user must subscribe to the newsletter. Creating a base for such messages allows you to form a friendly audience and maintain active communication with it.

It should be noted that the quality of push notifications has dropped lately. And given the rise in prices, this has a significant impact on the advertising used in mobile applications. For this reason, in 2019, the owners of their own databases were much more successful than the others, having access to the most relevant audience, which is shown high quality and not burdened with advertising content. For ordinary push notifications because of the announced intention of Yandex to block resources that send out intrusive advertising notifications, hard times are coming. Moreover, Yandex is ready to mark them with a special icon, which, of course, will affect the attitude towards such notifications of users.

Top mistakes you should avoid

Choosing a niche that you don’t like. People are rarely successful in doing what they don’t like. Of course, it’s not bad at least to learn to understand the chosen niche, because working in a place where everything is completely new is very difficult. You will have to read a lot of literature and watch training videos to get closer to the topic.

It is not enough to simply choose a highly profitable niche or repeat the successful experience of another person. Some problems may wait here:

  • The beginner does not understand the interests of the audience and small nuances;
  • You have no interest in the chosen direction, which will quickly lead to a loss of motivation.
  • Therefore, it is better to choose exactly what is really interesting, or the area that you really want to study.

The desire for quick income

Some beginners in the area of affiliate marketing do not understand that at the very beginning you have to work to get benefits in the future. They want to get everything at once as if they came to work for hire and received the due salary within a strictly agreed time frame. But affiliate marketing is not the kind of income that will work out all at once. First, make sure to create the foundation, become useful, work to attract an audience, invest resources, etc. Not everyone is ready for this, so a lot of people fall for bright advertisements with promises of big and quick money. And as a result, they are left with disappointment and accusations of all such fake projects.

Reluctance to spend money on self-improvement

Any type of business does not tolerate stagnation, and affiliate marketing is no exception. Any field has its own nuances, pitfalls, and useful tools that you need to know. You can do everything yourself, stepping on various kinds of rakes and learning from your own mistakes. But the path will turn out to be much more pleasant and shorter if you devote time to high-quality training from people who have already passed these stages and know about all possible mistakes. It also applies to choosing organic traffic sources.

Pointless learning

This is another top mistake. A beginner starts to learn the chosen niche, study its subtleties and nuances, but this knowledge is simply accumulated by a person, and not applied in practice. Over time, such training is reduced to zero. Usually, the knowledge that is not used is forgotten sooner or later. It turns out that all the time spent on studying was in vain. This usually happens with knowledge gained for free. The reasons for inaction vary. It may seem to a person that he is not yet ready to apply knowledge in practice, or the person may receive too much information at a time and he has an overload, or maybe he simply does not know how to prioritize.


A common mistake for beginners is to make a lot of meaningless posts on forums and other Internet sites and post them inappropriately. Moderators quickly delete them, and users simply scroll. Make sure you don’t make such a mistake and create high quality content only.


Affiliate marketing is a tricky business. Make sure to choose the right approach to the target audience and identify its problems so that you can then be able to offer the right product, which will definitely be bought. Choosing the best traffic sources for affiliate marketing can also change everything, so pay attention to it. Social media platforms, sites… There are plenty of options to run campaigns with a minimum budget conveniently.

Get the best omnichannel traffic for your ad campaigns on SmartyAds DSP.

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ClemengerMediaSales is an advertising, marketing communications, and media sales organisation, based in Melbourne, and operating nationally.

Our clients acquire a competitive edge by accessing exclusive, paid content and advertising packages that we have negotiated with both major B2B publications and highly targeted niche publications.

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