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How to Create a Media Sponsor Package for Nonprofits
Media sponsorships are especially valuable to nonprofits because they help raise the profile of the organization and publicize its events. Sponsor packages that are designed to attract media sponsors must describe the organization in terms attractive to the targeted sponsor and detail benefits tailored to the sponsor’s needs. The nonprofit can combine exposure during planned events with opportunites for media sponsor staff to volunteer and participate in other activities that the sponsor may then cover. A comprehensive agreement to give lasting publicity benefits to both parties has the best chance of attracting a media sponsor.
Research potential media sponsors in your area of activity at a level corresponding to the size of your nonprofit. Check whether you can have media sponsors in print and in broadcast, as long as they don’t compete. Find out who the different media outlets are sponsoring and what kind of arrangements they favor.
Prepare an organization profile of your nonprofit that highlights your requirements for media exposure. Include events planned for the near future and other activities that might benefit from media coverage and are newsworthy. Detail the possible involvement of potential media sponsors and how they might benefit from such an involvement.
Choose five to six potential media sponsors as your initial targets, based on your research and the characteristics of the media companies that would be a good fit for your nonprofit. Check their requirements for sponsorship to make sure your nonprofit qualifies. Develop a detailed list of what you expect from your media sponsors.
Assembling the Package
Customize the general profile of your nonprofit to appeal to each of the targeted media companies. For print media, emphasize activities that will yield interesting photographs and may be the subject of articles. For broadcasters, list events that are suitable for live coverage or that will provide compelling video clips. Place this profile, which should be about two pages long, second in your package.
Customize your list of what you expect from your media sponsors to address the targeted media companies. For print media, request print ads publicizing your events and coverage in local events sections. For broadcast media, request coverage on local news programs and mention on “What’s On” type of programs. Suggest that the broadcaster include you in ticket giveaways or contests. Place this list third in your package.
Prepare a list of benefits for the media sponsors. Include the number of people who come to your events, the number of people who are involved in your organization and the number of event programs or other publications you will distribute. Offer to place the sponsors’ logo and names in prominent locations and in the publications. Offer exclusive coverage rights. Offer print and broadcast sponsorships separately to those companies that will accept them. Place this list fourth in your package.
Write a cover letter less than one page long introducing your nonprofit and asking for a media sponsorship. Customize the letter for each of the targeted media companies. Mention the main benefit of becoming a media sponsor for your nonprofit, and refer to the enclosed profile of your nonprofit, the detailed list of what you expect from a media sponsor and the summary of benefits that a media sponsor would derive from an association with your nonprofit. Place this letter at the beginning of your media sponsor package.