Clemenger Media Sales is content marketing.
CMS is niche media – what is your target market. Clemenger can help you own your target: do you want front covers and lead stories?
Clemenger – CMS can help you own your customers – but you have to invest in content. You have to invest in building and managing relationships.
Clemenger can help you add value.
Clemenger Media Sales is the niche media, the content marketing, the media partnership experts (we have dozens of media / publishing clients ; hope the following news helps –
Insurance Company Buys $33,000 Ad Campaign After Presented With AdMall Research

Challenge: Branding and measuring insurance results
An insurance agency was struggling to find its footing in their local market, when they were approached by Cindy Mackie, a marketing consultant with Sinclair Television Group.
“[The] company is an independent owner, specializing in home and auto insurance, and he is growing,” said Mackie. “The owner is young and savvy and looking to expand by purchasing other small independent companies in the area to expand his footprint in the DMA. He has found the quality clients are the ones who sign for auto, then eventually get their home policies.”
“He is trying to brand his business in a very competitive space, while measuring results. SEM can be very expensive going up against names like GEICO, State Farm, Allstate, etc., but he knows he needs to have an online presence. He allowed us to come up with a plan to overcome this, and at the same time, develop the ability to track and brand.”
Solution: Research the insurance industry in AdMall
“I used AdMall to research the industry in order to gain knowledge, as I did not have any active insurance clients, so this was a new category for me to explore,” said Mackie. “I will say AdMall really helped me with some trigger questions, some local intelligence data and utilizing all the research together as one, which is how I came up with my marketing proposal. I used the PowerPoint presentation straight from AdMall, which, can I just say, saved me a lot of time. I didn’t have to create something from scratch. I did tweak a few slides and added a few station slides, but what a great time saver.”
“I sold [the insurance owner] on an SEM campaign, with rules attached, such as [not using] negative keywords, along with retargeting ads. I’m also using ten-second TV spots to get his name out there for local branding. Ten seconds is enough to get the brand out without the cost of a 30-second spot. He stated traditional television did not work, but he is trying to grow a local audience in Winston-Salem, NC and that’s where are viewers are strong.”
Result: A large, six-month sale
“In the end, I had a great proposal, and I’m very excited to say, the insurance client signed on for six-months, for a total sale of $33,000. I’m hoping this client will extend another six months as we get into the campaign, and he starts to see great results.”
Mackie also had a recommendation for other sales reps who might think they’re too busy to learn how AdMall works.
“I did not take the time to fully engage with AdMall last year. Once, my LSM and I sat on a Zoom call and went through the site. That’s when I saw the potential of what I was missing. I made the commitment to learn and utilize the many tools within AdMall and started exploring different categories to get familiar with the site itself. I would say it’s my first go-to for any client I’m working on now.”