Local Account Intelligence Report Helps Widen Awareness for Funeral Home
Challenge: Branding across multiple cities
A small-town funeral home was in good standing with its local community, but wanted to branch out so residents of other nearby towns would know the business can be trusted when it is time to deal with one of life’s most delicate subjects.
Knowing the situation, account executive Nicole Hangs, of River City News/Wick Communications, felt that her knowledge of the market, along with AdMall’s research could help her successfully get the word out about the funeral home.
“I’ve worked with the general manager of the funeral home,” said Hangs. “They specialize in cremation and funeral services. There are always new funeral homes or options for burial services, so there is always new competition for them. The manager is great to work with; we have great communication and can make yearly advertisement plans.”
Solution: AdMall’s vast array of sales tools
Hangs is a big proponent of all the features AdMall has to offer and uses nearly every one of them during her sales process.
“My favorite part of AdMall is the co-op information,” said Hangs. “As a newer sales rep, the information has been invaluable to me, and clients are extremely appreciative of any advertising I can bring to the table that is paid or partially paid. I typically use co-op and digital audits the most. Those tools show that I have done research for the client.”
“Using the local account intelligence report, I was able to identify areas of opportunity for advertising in our sister publications in nearby cities to maximize the funeral home’s customer base. I also used a digital audit and a PowerPoint presentation, which my client really appreciated. The presentations seem to be the part my customers enjoy most.”
Result: An expanded clientele base
Assembling the research from AdMall helped Hangs compile a compelling case for her pitch. Having worked with the funeral home before, she was already trusted, and that trust only grew on her promise they could grow their market.
“My funeral home contact is very happy with our advertising because the age demographic we found fits the customer base he is looking for,” said Hangs.
“Our total print advertising package is just shy of $20,000 per year including all papers, but the upsell into another city came out to $3,460.”
AdMall’s Local Account Intelligence Report is available for over 400+ business types and provides a myriad of research from the local, state and national level. It is the baseline report a rep should run before their first sales call that will put them on a level playing field with a potential client.
Everything from market demographics, consumer spending, marketing/budget figures, top products sold, industry challenges and opportunities, and more can be found in this report. If you’d like to learn more about the Local Account Intelligence Report, feel free to register for the next AdMall 101 webinar HERE!