Outdoor reps try hardest to visit media agencies while magazines do least, survey suggests

Sales staff from outdoor companies visit media agencies more often, are happier in their jobs and more service orientated than any other medium, a survey of agency staff has suggested.

And according to the survey by Media i, sales efforts by magazine companies have seen the biggest decline over the last four years, with staff least likely to be seen as making an effort to visit agencies and being seen as the least service orientated.

Meanwhile, newspapers are least likely to be seen as either an innovative or creative advertising channel, and least likely to provide relevant insights. And 38% of those working in newspapers plan to look for a new job before Christmas.

The data comes from Media i’s survey of 2,127 media agency staff across Australia’s five capital cities.

According to the survey, the last four years has seen outdoor advertising reps rise to be seen as the most frequent visitors to media agencies by 39% of those surveyed.

And in just four years, magazines have declined from being seen as the most frequent visitors, to one of the least. Now only 10% of respondents say magazines visit most often, compared to nearly 40% four years ago. Only newspapers fared worse, with just 7% saying they visited most often.

A total of 39% of media agency staff say outdoor reps visit most frequently |  Source: Media i

Meanwhile, 43% said outdoor was the most service orientated. Magazines declined to just 6%, from one of the best performers four years ago. Newspapers did little better at 10%.

A total of 43% of agency staff said outdoor reps were the most service orientated | Source: Media i

The outdoor industry also fared well for being seen as proactive, with 32% saying they were most proactive. Just 6% nominated newspapers as most proactive, with cinema on 7%.

Outdoor seen as most proactive | Source: Media i

On the criteria of innovation, newspapers fared worst, with just 2% saying they offered the most innovative solutions. Mobile digital came top as the choice of 45% of media agency staff.

Chris Winterburn, managing director of Media i, said: “I think outdoor have been able to tell their digital story better than any other channel.

“What outdoor’s been able to do is spend all of its time talking about how digitisation has enabled their channel to do much more than it was previously capable of doing. You’ll note that both outdoor and radio are channels that have never traded on raw audience numbers.

“As a consequence they are not having to tell a story around declining numbers and how digital has impacted the numbers of people consuming it. They have been able to focus entirely on the fact that ‘digital has enabled us to provide mobile connectivity, to provide geo targeting possibilities, to provide better day-parting opportunities’.”

The survey also asked media reps across the country how happy they are. Perth saw the highest level of positivity with 85% saying they were either happy or very happy. Meanwhile, Sydney was the most negative city to work in, with 31% saying they were unhappy.

Perth is the happiest place to work in the media | Source: Media i

The medium that staff are happiest to work in is outdoor and cinema with a total of 86% either happy or very happy. Newspapers had the highest level of miserable sales staff, with 34% saying they were unhappy. Magazines were just behind on 32%.

One in three newspaper staff say they are unhappy | Source: Media i

For media agencies, the happiest market is also Perth, with 83% either very happy or happy. At 29%, Brisbane had the highest proportion of unhappy agency staffers.

In one warning sign for employers, the highest number of sales staff since the survey began said they planned to look for a new job over the next six months – rising from 24% six months ago to 29% now. And 28% of media agency staff say they will be job hunting, down slightly from 29% six months ago.

Outdoor – at 20% of staff – is the least likely to see staff warning to move on. But 38% of newspaper staff said they will look for a new job, while the number was 33% for magazines.

In terms of Net Promoter Score, only outdoor and radio were in positive territory, although television, newspapers and digital all improved slightly.

The survey also offered snapshots of the demographic makeup of the industry. On the media sales side, the industry is 63% female, while for media agencies the number is 62%. In both cases, 25-29 the most common age. And 75% of media sales people are aged under 34.

Source: Media i

More than half of all media sales people were based in Sydney, with just over a quarter in Melbourne.

More than half of Australia’s sales reps are in Sydney | Source: Media i

A summary of the survey can be viewed on the Media i website.