Clemenger Media Sales is content marketing; niche media buying agency / media sponsorships.

We bring you relevant news articles to help you understand media planning and buying; how to maximise your media investment. Content marketing is the norm; media sponsorships are the norm. We have dozens of media clients who can help you : do you want the front cover and lead story? Do you want your company logo on all the media assets? Do you want solus eDMs, banner advertising; do you want to own your target market : we can help you.

Hope the following is of interest:-

Media Sales Training

Natural Training works with a range of clients within media production and distribution. Each and every client has their own, unique training experience with Natural, yet all receive amazing results.

  • Crystallise and articulate your value proposition.
  • Retain and grow key accounts with style, class and commercial success.
  • Create innovative, fresh and exciting moments for prospects and customers.
  • Craft a winning pitch that wins you more business.
  • Successfully and naturally adapt to digital transformation challenges.


“We have worked beautifully together to design a programme that suits our target diverse audience. The training is rich in content and aligns to our capability framework.”

Judy Goldberg, Global L&D Director, Discovery Networks

Camcorder at a news conference.

“Excellent – realising what is in our control to change. Really original and thought-provoking. Interesting methodology & approach used in the training. The activities were really enjoyable and led us to think about situations in different ways.” 

Tanuka Mittra, Gorkana Group


Ideas For Your Training

There are a number of key areas within the media industry that Natural Training can help with:

  • Value selling – Developing the skills and confidence to have a conversation based on value rather than cost.
  • Key Account Management – A combination of account planning, value and negotiation that will galvanise your sales efforts.
  • Customer ‘Moments’ – Our lives in sales are made up of a series of ‘moments’. This is all about maximising those snapshots in time where you have the chance to make a phenomenal difference to our clients.
  • Pitching To Win – Present an exciting and compelling pitch without compromising your natural style.
  • Digital Insights – Having strategic conversations with your clients around the impact of digital and how you can help to generate more business.


Interested in finding out how we can transform your media sales team?


CMS, Clemenger Media Sales, Clemenger sales wants to help you understand how to maximise your advertising and marketing ROI..

The above article; the following hyperlink are to help you with your media buying. CMS / Clemenger wants to help you with your advertising and marketing; your content marketing; your PR (we develop media partnerships / media sponsorship for you; so you can own your target market – more here:-



Media Sales Training