Clemenger Media Sales, CMS, is Australia’s home of niche media.
Australia has hundreds of smaller niche publications. These consumer and business / trade publications play the most vital role within each of their specific industries.
IF you are a business and want to connect with your target market these media, publications, news portals are the key to managing stakeholders, customers, prospects.
Content marketing is vital, advertising is vital, working with the media to sell you as a market leader is key to ongoing profitability / communications management / demand management.
Be the message about a new product, a pending sale, a merger, a rebranding; what is the message – if you have a message you need the media.
Clemenger / CMS is your key to advertising, marketing, media, sales.
We give you the news to help you live and learn; BEST Tony Clemenger.
What is SmartyAds White Label DSP
SmartyAds White Label DSP is a completely customizable media buying platform tailored for brands, agencies, ad networks and resellers. It allows to build your own product without investing time into building RTB infrastructure. Get access to the latest technology and start generating revenue now!
SmartyAds White Label RTB platform guarantees clean, safe and engaging user experience. This programmatic multi-channel ad buying platform continuously processes bid requests via OpenRTB protocol and delivers ad tags in bid responses.
Challenges to Solve
There is no existing media buying infrastructure.
The cost for development is quite high when you are starting from scratch.
You can lose lots of time and resources on development.
SmartyAds Solution
SmartyAds White Label advertising platform allows building a custom UI.
It is easy to set up audience segments.
Ready for beta launch in 1 month.
Key Benefits
Global reach
Ad Formats
Smart Optimization
Precise targeting
Inventory quality check
Real-time analytics
White Label DSP Features
Efficient Campaign
The Modules
Core Programmatic Bidder
• Second Price Predictor
• WinRate Optimizer
• Pacer