As an exclusive media partner with the Security Solutions Magazine, your organisation can take advantage of a unique tailor made package with its own individual set of benefits that includes:

  • 25% off annual renewal (for all enquiries prior to end of June);
  • Priority processing and expedited handling without extra charge*;

Plus an irresistable package deal on a year of advertising and editorial placement:

  • Announcement of the partnership and company logo display on all platforms including magazine, digital magazine and website at dedicated location with social updates on Twitter and Facebook; valued at $5,000
  • 2x Single Full-page Advertisements; valued at $5,500
  • Double page CEO interview and/or company showcase; valued at $3,995
  • 2x 2min video / podcast on website; valued at $5,000
  • 1x banner ad on website for 12mths; valued at $4,400
  • 4x promotional EDMs throughout the year; valued at $2,800
  • 4x half page product showcase or product review. valued at $1,750

Exclusive offer $17,500

advertising sales, media buying agency, Clemenger, Clemenger Media Sales, niche media, media sponsorship, content marketing, buy advertising, buy magazine advertising, buy tv advertising, digital advertising, buying digital advertising

Let's Get Started your project

For further help or information call Tony Clemenger on 0419431649 or 1800995007 or email your requirement on tony@clemenger.me
Contact Now