
Our objective is to develop for you a tailored media partnership that accesses your target audience through niche publications.

Tailored for you.

We’re flexible. Every package is different and designed to maximise your presence with your target audience. In fact, we’ll show you how to be dominant in your niche.

Click on any publication below to access the media kit (AND the Annual Media Partnership details:-

Leaders WIN

Do you want more advertising, media partnership sales revenue?

These are some new media / publications we are managing (PLEASE click any to get the publication details (NOTE we develop annual packages that will give you ongoing editorial and exclusive deals = IF you want?…:-

Have a look and think (we can help you win

Clemenger Group Limited =

Clemenger Group is Australasia’s largest, most successful marketing communications company. Comprising of more than 50 diverse advertising, marketing and related specialist units in Australia and New Zealand. We are not owned by them but is great to have a relationship; related history.

We do have dozens of others: do you need help selling your advertising assets; do you want us to develop and sell media partnerships –

Some examples:-

We have dozens of media partnerships (the key is you get to “own” your target market = what is your target market (in which publication do you want your logo & ongoing editorial???
We have the prospects / crm…, systems / clemenger email, processes / training & mgmt; call or email Tony Clemenger = 0419 4319 649;

A few new ones

Can we help you sell advertising? = get more revenue and save costs (at the same time = good idea???

Some of our CUSTOMERS


Lets get started with your project

For further help or information call Tony Clemenger on 0419431649 or 1800995007 or email your requirement on
Contact Now